
วันศุกร์ที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

(ร่าง)เลขจำนวนนับ21-45ในภาษาโปรตุเกส(Cardinal Números de 21 a 45 em Portugues)

เลขจำนวนนับ21-45ในภาษาโปรตุเกส(Cardinal Números de 21 a 45 em Portugues)
21 vinte e um
22 vinte e dois
23 vinte e três
24 vinte e quatro
25 vinte e cinco
26 vinte e seis
27 vinte e sete
28 vinte e oito
29 vinte e nove
30 trinta
31 trinta e um
32 trinta e dois
42 quarenta e dois
45 quarenta e cinco

หลักการนับเลขหน่วย 10, 100 และ 1000
From 21 to 99 you have to add “e” (which means and) between the tens and the unities.

Tens / Hundreds / Thousands
10 dez
20 vinte
30 trinta
40 quarenta
50 cinqüenta
60 sessenta
70 setenta
80 oitenta
90 noventa
100 cem
1,000 mil
100,000 cem mil
1,000,000 um milhão

Use the word “cem” for 100 and the word “cento” for number from 101 to 199.

100. cem
101. cento e um
138. cento e trinta e oito
199. cento e noventa e nove

200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 have feminine and masculine forms. They must agree in gender and number with the noun. Observe that when they are written in the masculine form they end in “os” and when they are written in the feminine from they end in “as”

Number Masculine Feminine
200 duzentos duzentas
300 trezentos trezentas
400 quatrocentos quatrocentas
500 quinhentos quinhentas
600 seiscentos seiscentas
700 setecentos setecentas
800 oitocentos oitocentas
900 novecentos novecentas

200 men: duzentos homens / 200 women: duzentas mulheres
330 cars: trezentos e trinta carros / 330 houses: trezentas e trinta casas.
467 boys: quatrocentos e sessenta e sete meninos / 467 girls: quatrocentas e sessenta e sete meninas.

“e” (and)
Use “e” (which means “and”) to separate hundreds, tens, and unities.
25. vinte e cinco
125 cento e viente e cinco
34 trinta e quatro
234. duzentos e trinta e quatro
75. setenta e cinco
375 trezentos e setenta e cinco

