
วันศุกร์ที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553


โดย พิทยะ ศรีวัฒนสาร
(ขอขอบคุณข้อมูลจาก http://www.easyportuguese.com/ เป็นอย่างยิ่ง - Muito obrigado!)

Oi! - โออี ! - ไงล่ะ ! - Hi!

Olá! -โอล๊ะ ! เฮลโล ! Hello!

Meu nome é João. -มิวหนอม แอ ยุอาว(จูเอิว) -ฉันชื่อจูอาว- My name is João.

Tudo bem?-ตุ๊ดู ไบญ์?-สบายดีหรือ? How are you?

Prazer em conhecê-lo! ปราซีร์ ไร๊ กงแญซึ-ลุ! (พูดโดยผู้ชาย)- ดีใจที่ได้พบคุณ -Nice to meet you!
Prazer em conhecê-la! ปราซีร์ ไร๊ กงแญซึ-ลา! (พูดโดยผู้หญิง)
(meeting a male / meeting a female)

Bom dia! -บงเดีย! - สวัสดี(ตอนเช้า)! - Good morning!

Boa tarde! - บัว ตาร์ดึ! - สวัสดี(ตอนกลางวัน) -Good afternoon!

Boa noite! - บัว น๊อยท์ชึ! สวัสดี(ตอนเย็น) - Good night! / Good evening!

Tchau! -เชา! -ลาละครับ - Bye!

Até logo! -อาเต๊ ลู๊กุ - แล้วพบกันนะ! - See you soon!

(ร่าง) ผลไม้

apple a maçã
apricot o damasco
avocado o abacate
banana a banana
blackberry a amora
blueberry o mirtilo
cherry a cereja
fig o figo
grapes as uvas
guava a goiaba
kiwi fruit o kiwi
lemon / lime o limão
madarin / tangerine a mexirica / a tangerina
mango a manga
melon/ cantaloupe o melão
orange a laranja
papaya o mamão
passion fruit o maracujá
peach o pêssego
pear a pêra
pineapple o abacaxi
plum a ameixa
raspberry a framboesa
strawberry o morango
watermelon a melancia


Time / Horas
Observe 4 dialogues below:
1) - Por favor, que horas são? (Please, what time is it?)
- São cinco horas / São cinco horas em ponto. (It’s five o’clock / it’s 5:00 am sharp)
2) - Por favor, que horas são ? (Please, what time is it?)
- São cinco e vinte. (It’s five twenty)
3) - Por favor, que horas são? (Please, what time is it?)
- São vinte para as cinco. (It’s four forty / it’s twenty to five)
4) - Por favor, que horas são? (Please, what time is it?)
- São cinco e meia (It’s five thirty)

• The expression “Que horas são?” is used to ask time.
• The expression “em ponto” means “sharp” (dialogue number 1).
• To answer the minutes you must add “e” between the hour and minutes (dialogue number 2).
• To answer the minutes after the first 30 minutes, you can use the minutes to the next hour followed by “para as” and the next hour (dialogue number 3). Thus, between hours and minutes you’ll use or “e” or “para as”.
• The word meia means half (dialogue number 4)

In the Morning
Que hora são? What time is it?
When referring to all hours, são (are) is the adequate conjugation of the verb ser that must be used, except when referring to 1:00 or to the word "meio-dia" or "meia-noite". In these cases “é” (is) is the appropriate verb. Observe the sentences below:
1:00 – É uma hora
2:00 - São duas horas (da manhã)
3:00 - São três horas (da manhã)
4: 00 - São quatro horas (da manhã)
5:00 - São cinco horas (da manhã)
6: 00 – São seis horas (da manhã)
7: 00- São sete horas (da manhã)
8: 00 - São oito horas (da manhã)
9: 00 - São nove horas (da manhã)
10:00 – São dez horas (da manhã)
11:00 – São onze horas (da manhã)
12:00 – É meio-dia.

In the afternoon
1:00pm / 13:00 – É uma hora (da tarde) / São treze horas.
2:00pm /14:00 – São duas horas (da tarde) / São catorze horas.
3:00pm / 15:00 – São três horas (da tarde) / São quinze horas.
4:00pm /16:00 - São quatro horas (da tarde) / São dezesseis horas.
5:00pm / 17:00 - São cinco horas (da tarde) / São dezessete horas.
6:00pm / 18:00 - São seis horas (da tarde) / São dezoito horas.

In the evening
7:00pm / 19:00 – São sete horas (da noite) /São dezenove horas.
8:00pm / 20:00 São oito horas (da noite) / São vinte horas.
9:00pm / 21:00 São nove horas (da noite) / São vinte e uma horas.
10:00pm / 22:00 São dez horas (da noite) / São vinte e duas horas.
11:00pm / 23:00- São onze horas (da noite) / São vinte e três horas.
0:00 - É meia-noite / São vinte e quatro horas.
0:30 – É meia-noite e meia / São vinte e quatro e trinta

Am / PM
In Portuguese, when referring to “am” or “pm”, use the expressions “da manhã”, “da tarde” or “da noite”. Those expressions are used with specific time.
A reunião começa às 5:00 da tarde. The meeting starts at 5:00 pm

From 01:00 am to 5:00 am (or before sunrise), you can say “da madrugada” instead of saying “da manhã”
The official hour system has twenty four hours. When using this system, it is not necessary to use “da manhã”, “da tarde” or “da noite”.

At - Às
When you want to express that an event occurs at a specific time use the preposition “às” (at).
A reunião começa às 10:00The meeting starts at ten o’clock.

From – to
When you want to express the time that an event begins and ends use the formula: from (hour) to (hour) = das (horas) às (horas) or the formula das (horas) até as (horas)
A reunião será das 9:00 às 11:00.The meeting will be from nine to ten.
A reunião será das 9:00 até as 11:00.The meeting will be from nine till ten.
Morning / Afternoon / Evening
When you just want to refer to the period of the day an event occurs, use the following expressions: de manhã (in the morning), à tarde (in the afternoon), à noite (in the evening or at night)
· Estudo português de manhã – I study Portuguese in the morning.
·Estudo português à tarde – I study Portuguese in the afternoon.
·Estudo português à noite – I study Portuguese in the evening.
Notes / Notas
5:00 – São cinco horas
5:05 – São cinco e cinco
5:15 – São cinco e quinze
5:20 – São cinco e vinte
5:25 – São cinco e vinte e cinco
5:30 – São cinco e treinta / São cinco e meia
5:40 - São cinco e quarenta / São vinte para as seis
5:45 - São cinco e quarenta e cinco /São quinze para as seis
5:50 – São cinco e cinquenta / São dez para as seis


ankle tornozelo
arm braço
back costas
beard barba
belly barriga
bones ossos
brain cérebro
cheek bochecha
chest peito
chin queixo
ear orelha
eyes olhos
face face
feet pés
fingers and toes dedos
foot pé
forehead testa
hair cabelo
hand mão
head cabeça
heart coração
knee joelho
leg perna
lips lábios
mouth boca
muscles músculos
mustache bigode
neck pescoço
nose nariz
skin pele
teeth dentes
thigh coxa
throat garganta
tongue língua
tooth dente

(ร่าง) ภาษาโปรตุเกสว่าด้วยบุคคลในครอบครัว

อังกฤษ โปรตุเกส ไทย
Auntie tia
Boy menino
Boyfriend namorado
Brother irmão
Brother-in-law cunhado
Cousin (female) prima
Cousin (male) primo
Daughter filha
Family família
Father pai
Father (informal) papai
Father-in-law sogro
Friend (female) amiga
Friend (male) amigo
Girl menina
Girlfriend namorada
Granddaughter neta
Grandfather vovô / avô
Grandmother vovó / avó
Grandson neto
Husband marido
Mother mãe
Mother (informal) mamãe
Mother-in-law sogra
Sister irmã
Sister-in-law cunhada
Son filho
Stepdaughter enteada
Stepfather padrastro
Stepmother madrastra
Stepson enteado
Uncle tio
Wife esposa


Days of the month
In Portuguese the ordinal numbers are not used to express the days of the month. People use the word “primeiro” just for the first day and cardinal numbers (dois, três, quatro, cinco, seis…) for the other days.
date: 11/01/2006: Primeiro de novembro de dois mil e seis. (literal translation: First of November of two thousand six)
date: 11/09/2005: Nove de novembro de dois mil e seis. (literal translation: Nine of November of two thousand six)

(ร่าง)เลขลำดับในภาษาโปรตุเกส (Números Ordinais-Ordinal Numbers)

Números Ordinais -Ordinal Numbers
โดย พิทยะ ศรีวัฒนสาร

Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal numbers are used to express the position or order in a sequence. In English the ordinal numbers from 1 to 10 are: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth. See the equivalents in Portuguese. Note that in Portuguese the ordinal numbers have feminine and masculine forms.

Ordinal Numbers are used to refer to the floors in a building, to place positions in a competition etc.
Eu moro no terceiro andar. (I live on the third floor).
In the chart below study the pronunciation of the Ordinal Numbers. Click the arrow to hear the sound of each word.

Number Masculine Feminine
First Primeiro Primeira
Second Segundo Segunda
Third Terceiro Terceira
Fourth Quarto Quarta
Fifth Quinto Quinta
Sixth Sexto Sexta
Seventh Sétimo Sétima
Eighth Oitavo Oitava
Ninth Nono Nona
Tenth Décimo Décima